فإنَّ المواريث في الإسلام من أهم فروع علم الشريعة، يحتاجها كل مسلم لمعرفة نصيبه في تركة مورثه ، وفق ما جاءت به الشريعة الإسلامية ، وهو يعد من المواضيع التي لم تنل حظها من الدراسات سواء عن طريق ا
The article surveys the feminist movement in Islam by delving into its origin, development and diversities within the Islamic tradition. The article starts its survey from the very beginning of the Islamic religion to the time after the demise of the Prophet and the modern and contemporary periods. Using the historical and analytical methods, the p
An overlay network’s efficiency can be improved by taking advantage of its network structure. However, before a structured network can be constructed, nodes has to be topologically sorted. One of the common form of topological sorting is linearization where nodes are arranged in a linear order with respect to its identifiers. Linearization is not
This paper discusses the design and performance of a Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) Radar Doppler for slow moving target detection. It is modeled as a lowcost and feasible radar remote sensor for measuring particular moving target’s range and velocity. It operates at ISM band with a center frequency of 2.4GHz, transmit power of approx
We consider the p-adic Ising–Vannimenus model on the Cayley tree of order k = 2. This model contains nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor interactions. We investigate the model using a new approach based on measure theory (in the p-adic sense) and describe all translation-invariant p-adic quasi-Gibbs measures associated with the model. As a
In the present paper, we study the existence of periodic p-adic quasi Gibbs measures of p-adic Potts model over the Cayley tree of order two.We first prove that the renormalized dynamical system associated with the model is conjugate to the symbolic shift. As a consequence of this result we obtain the existence of countably many periodic p-adic Gib
In the paper, we consider the λ-model with spin values {1, 2, 3} on the Cayley tree of order two. We describe ground states of the model.5 / 9 / 2 0 1 7 3 7 t h I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n Q u a n t u m P r o b a b i l i t y a n d R e l a t e d T o p i c s ( Q P 3 7 ) I O P s c i e n c e h t t p : / / i o p s c i e n c e .
The assertion that Prophet MuÍammad (p.b.u.h) sourced the Qur’Én from Judeo-Christian tradition is one of the oldest claims promoted by the medieval Christian missionaries. Although there are no concrete, conclusive and irrefutable proofs on such a claim, almost all Christian scholars even the most learned ones subscribed to it and held it to b
يمثل "المكان" ميزة بارز من ميزات الشعر العربي الجاهلي، وكان له حضور بارز في إنتاجاتهم الشعرية، ولا يكاد يوجد شاعرا من شعراء العصر لجاهلي إلا وقد وقف على أطلال حبيبته أو يعشق إلى مرابعها ودي