تعدّ النّصوص العربية من الأدوات الأساسيّة في مجال تعليم وتعلّم اللغة العربيّة. وهذه النّصوص تُقتبس من مراجع مـختلفة منها: الكتب، والمجلّات، والجرائد، والمواقع الإلكترونيّة وغيرها. وبناء على
Musharakah Tijarah Cross-Border Financing (“Product”) is the product to enable the Bank to undertake project and contract cross-border financing activities or other identified business ventures on “pure” Joint Venture basis,using the underlying Islamic financing contract of Musharakah. Musharakah concept has a low market share of less than
من ضمن أهم احملاور املشرتكة بني علماء األمة كافة، إمجاعهم على الدور املركزي للقرآن واألحاديث النبوية يف عملية التشريع. يف مقابل ذلك اإلمجاع فإن العلماء كذلك اختلفوا يف آليات التعامل مع املواق
Angular Sensor
Research Output | Dar Al-hikmah Library | IIUM Only
This discovery presents methods for angle measurement using CNT forests as a reflector which is first of its kind. The sensor comprised of partially polarized laser source, polarizer, patterned CNT forests and a photo detector to measure the transmitted polarized power coming through a polarizer. CNTs forest was patterned in two different ways, usi
Background. The booming palm oil industry is in line with the growing population worldwide and surge in demand. This leads to a massive generation of palm oil mill effluent (POME). POME is composed of sterilizer condensate (SC), separator sludge (SS), and hydro-cyclone wastewater (HCW). Comparatively, SS exhibits the highest organic content, result
As COVID-19 spread globally in 2020, it culminated in distress, anxiety, and uncertainty in dealing with a global health pandemic. Paramount during this period was the dissemination of accurate and updated information about COVID-19, as a means to reduce negative emotions. Close contacts also play a vital role; in disseminating information, they mu
Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1B (HNF1B) encodes a transcription factor expressed in developing human kidney epithelia. Heterozygous HNF1B mutations are the commonest monogenic cause of dysplastic kidney malformations (DKMs). To understand their pathobiology, we generated heterozygous HNF1B mutant kidney organoids from CRISPR-Cas9 gene-edited human emb
Agriculture is the largest global water consumer, crucial to understanding its impact on watersheds. This study was conducted in the Kampar watershed in Riau province, covering Kampar and Pelalawan regencies. It assesses the watershed’s suitability for meeting agricultural water needs, particularly for rice cultivation. The study utilizes quantit
As communication technology continues to evolve, this has also revolutionized how religious messages are presented on social media, particularly for celebrity Muslim preachers. They can easily connect with their followers and create da’wah messages using various social media tools, such as reels, stories, and live streams. In Malaysia, some preac
The advent of stem cells has leveraged regenerative medicines and tissue engineering owing to its capability to differentiate from different somatic origins. This has opened the possibilities to create new organs and improved quality of life. In the current study, it was proposed that the utilization of stem cells can be manipulated to serve as a m