التعليم يعتبر الركن الأساسي لبناء الدولة والمجتمع مترابط ومتماسك وناجحة. ولهذا اهتم الإسلام بالتعليم اهتماما كبيرا. ومن هذا يهدف هذا البحث إلى كشف السياسات التعليمية التي وضعها الرسول صلى ال
Orofacial clefts (OFC) are the most common craniofacial anomalies. There is no published data regarding the demographic of OFC cases seen in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), since the establishment of the IIUM Multi-Disciplinary Cleft Team (IIUM-MDCT). The present study aimed to build a database on demographic profile of OFC cases
Not available - Commentary Article35 IMJM Volume 19 No. 2, July 2020 COMMENTARY COVID -19 : Providing Rehabilitation Care in the Time of Pandemic Corresponding Author: Dr. Salmah Anim binti Abu Hassan Department of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Rehabilitation, Kulliyyah of Medicine International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan Campus, Bandar
The purpose of this study was to explore the use of a common item linking procedure using multiple-choice grammar items to link subgroups of examinees’ essays scored by independent pairs of raters. This procedure was tested as a means to provide a more equitable way to address deficiencies in essay judging plans as well as to evaluate the possibi
Panduan ini dihasilkan bertujuan untuk memberi pendidikan kepada pesakit yang memerlukan rawatan senaman pernafasan.Asst. Prof Dr Salmah Anim Abu Hassan Pakar Rehabilitasi IIUM Medical Centre Norhaslinda Kamarudzaman Pegawai Fisioterapis IIUM Medical Centre Mohd Mahyuddin Mohd Idris Muhammad Shafie Mohd Suhaimi Wan Muhamad Afiq Aiman Nur Amalina Ot
A systematic property planning is one of the most important processes to ensure that the accumulated property over a person's lifetime can be fully utilized for goodness especially by their heirs. However, there are many problems of neglection and postponement in islamic estate distribution among the heirs nowadays, which result in difficulties
A vast existing literature in educational research has been explored on Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) with the focus on addressing self-efficacy, self-regulation and social interactions in learning. This theory is used as a framework to predict behaviours and interventions. However, researchers have managed to comprehend and adopt the theory compre
The will of entrustment (wisayah) is one form of trustee and property management in Islam involving minors who are orphans or mentally or physically disabled because they have no qualifications (al-qasir) to administer property. The management of their properties is the responsibility of the appointed guardian. However, the concept of will of entru
Wisayah adalah salah satu bentuk pengamanahan dan pengurusan harta dalam Islam yang melibatkan kanak-kanak bawah umur sama ada anak yatim, orang gila atau orang kurang upaya (OKU) daripada segi mental atau fizikal kerana tiada kelayakan (al-qasir) untuk mentadbir sesuatu harta. Pengurusan harta mereka adalah menjadi tanggungjawab penjaga (wasi) yan