يتناول هذا البحث إطار تطوير المعاجم العربية الملايوية المقدمة للطلاب في المدراس الماليزية في مرحلتيها الابتدائية أم الثانوية من حيث المداخل وتعريفها وتطويرها .ويتبع هذا البحث منهج التحليل ل
This paper presents a subject-dependent homogenous emotion recognition method using electroencephalogram (EEG) signals in response to video contents, and a correlation between emotions and moods of subjects in resting state. In the recent years, there has been a trend towards recognizing emotions invoked from watching videos. Thus, in this study, t
The issue of a correct ‘government size’ for economic prosperity of a nation, particularly Muslim nation, is highly linked with the issue of optimal ‘role of state’. The present study attempts to utilise more efficient econometric methods on a sample of Muslim countries over a specific period of time in order to investigate relationship bet
Many research domains use video contents as stimuli for study on human emotions. A video content within a particular genre or a specific the meevokes dynamic emotions that are highly useful in many research fields. The present study proposed a set of video-clip stimuli that embody four emotions under specific genres of movies, namely happiness, cal
We study various ergodic properties of C*-dynamical systems inspired by unique ergodicity. In particular we work in a framework allowing for ergodic properties defined relative to various subspaces, and in terms of weighted meansA few remarks on relative ergodic properties of C*-dynamical systems Rocco Duvenhage and Farrukh Mukhamedov Citation: AIP
This study attempts at empirically examine the relationships between CO2 emission with economic growth, road sector energy use and manufactured product in Malaysia. Using the bound testing approach to cointegration and error correction model developed within an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL), we investigate whether a long-run equilibrium rel
We consider an interaction of the nearest-neighbors and next nearest-neighbors for the mixed type p-adic λ-model with spin values {−1, +1} on a Cayley tree of order two. In the previous work we have proved the existence of the p-adic Gibbs measure for the model. In this work we have proved the existence of the phase transition occurs for the mod
Objectives: To rapidly detect the presence of porcine or bovine gelatins in dental prophylaxis pastes used in Malaysia by using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Materials and methods: Four commonly used dental prophylaxis paste brands in Malaysia were collected and labelled A, B, C, and D. Pure porcine and bovine skin gelatins were u
تهدف هذه الورقة إلى توظيف المدخل الاتِّصاليّ الثَّقافيّ في تصميم وحدات دراسيَّة للنَّاطقين بغير العربية، لما في ذلك من أهميَّة في تحقيق الاتِّصال النَّاجح، وفهم الثَّقافات الإسلاميَّة، وال
In this paper, the multistage homotopy-perturbation method (MHPM) is applied to the nonlinear chaotic and hyperchaotic Lü system. MHPM is a technique adapted from the standard homotopy-perturbation method (HPM) where the HPM is treated as an algorithm in a sequence of time intervals. To ensure the precision of the technique applied in this work, t