تنطلق فرضيَّة هذا البحث من أن الخطاب الحجاجيّ هو خطاب تواصليّ وعمل لغويّ حجاجيّ تفاعليّ؛ ومن ثم فللكلمة في التراث العربيّ دور حجاجي،ولا نتقائها حركة حجاحية تاثيرية في المتلقي، فبدأ البحث بضب
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) contribute a significant portion to the economic pie both in the developed and developing countries. The devel-opment and growth of SMEs in Malaysia has significant impact on social development, boosting productivity and increasing employment. Training is one of the issues and challenges faced by SMEs studied by
There is tremendous interest in entrepreneurship in Malaysia, and around the world. Over the past few years, many individuals, as well as families, are actively engaged with the small business. Halalpreneurship is a newly developed concept that has not been fully understood nor widely known as yet. It links halal development to business activities
RESEARCH in the United Kingdom has found significant depression and significant anxiety have doubled after a Covid-19 lockdown was enforced in the country. A similar situation was also reported in Italy, leading the Italian government to launch a nationwide psychological support programme for those mentally affected by the lockdown. There is alread
The whole world is impacted by the COVID19 pandemic. While it creates chaos, it also reveals lessons that we might not have realised otherwise. But, more importantly, whether we have learned from these lessons? COVID19 promotes new normals. We have been consistently told to keep our distance from one another and to wear face masks in public places,
MANY have hailed online learning as the panacea to disruptions to education and the new normal. Online learning cannot stand alone but complements face-to-face learning to create the best educational experience for students and educators. Our National Education Philosophy talks about educating students to become insan sejahtera through physical, em
Systematic estate planning during life is very important in Islam. Thus, Islam places guidelines on estate planning for the benefit of the beneficiaries. There are various concepts of estate planning instruments that have been debated such as will, gift, faraid and waqf. However, the concept of wisayah is not given as much attention as any other in
Halal marketing and branding has been growing interest of many, practitioners and scholars. As Islam is the second largest religion in the world, the halal product market is expected to grow from 1.4 trillion U.S. dollars in 2017 to around 2.6 trillion by 2024, with the largest share of the market value coming from North America. The global Muslim
BY April 14, the movement control order (MCO) will be a month old. That means university students, who had not gone home before the MCO, will also be restricted to their campuses for a month. In the absence of academic activities and restricted social activities, this would not be good for their state of mind. Students should be allowed to return h
Era Revolusi 4.0 bukan sahaja mencetuskan kemajuan pencapaian teknologi dalam bidang telekomunikasi malah dalam semua bidang mencakupi pembuatan dan kemasyarakatan. Tidak ketinggalan revolusi ini telah mencetuskan pelbagai ciptaan dalam teknologi seks yang disebut sebagai sex tech. Termasuk dalam sex tech ini adalah penciptaan pelbagai alatan sex t