الملخص إنّ الوقف کنظام مالي واجتماعي یعدّ أحد روائع الحضارة الإسلامیة وابتکاراتها العظیمة وإنّه یجسد القیم الإسلامیة التي حقّقت لنظ ام الوقف مقاصده الشرعیة وأهدافه الإنسانیة في كل المجالات
مسألة النّسب في الفقه الإسلامي مِن المسائل التي حَظيت باهتمام كبير مِن العلماء؛ نظرًا لارتباطها بالعديد مِن أبواب الفقه. وتجدد الاهتمام بها مع تطور العلوم الوراثية، خاصة مع اكتشاف الحمض النو
تستكشف هذه الدراسة الديناميكيات المعقدة للشراكة الاستراتيجية بين المؤسسات الوقفية والمصرفية الإسلامية في النموذج الماليزي، تحاول تقديم إطار تحليلي نقدي يتجاوز المقاربات التقليدية. تتميز ا
It was not widely known by the public that the cost of performing the hajj exceeded the predetermined Cost of the Hajj Travel (Biaya Perjalanan Ibadah Haji/BIPIH) set by the government. Although the government plays a role in subsidizing the cost of pilgrimage organizing (Biaya Penyelenggaraan Ibadah Haji/BPIH), the actual calculation is never shar
This study delves into the factors that drive the adoption of cryptocurrencies and digital assets within the Islamic finance sector while emphasizing the transformative potential of these technologies for Islamic online payments and investment avenues. The research highlights the essential need for adherence to Shariah principles. Using the Diffusi
This chapter is designed to empower the Murabbis and to enhance their spiritual levels and Īmān (Faith) while effectively engaging in the three interconnected aspects which are the Īmān (faith), ‘Ibādah (worship), and Da‘wah (Introducing Islam). By strengthening their connection with Allah, enhancing their worship practices, and improving
Menstruation is a regular physiological process for women and adolescent girls across the globe. For a young girl, the onset of menstruation is a significant milestone in her life. In many cultures, menarche represents a transition into womanhood. The ability to menstruate symbolizes her fertility and the capacity to create new life. Poor managemen
Background: Healthcare professionals, like doctors and allied health sciences professionals, are the first point of contact with patients. Their role involves identifying individuals with communication disorders and referring them to speech-language therapists (SLTs) for further evaluation and management. However, studies have shown a significant l
This study explores the rich heritage of Traditional Malay Medicine (TMM) with a focus on utilizing indigenous ingredients for Halal healthcare innovations. Despite its longstanding history and cultural significance, TMM faces challenges in scientific validation and integration into modern healthcare practices. This research is centered around a co
This study investigated the mental health of Generation Z undergraduate students at the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM), focusing on the impact of academic pressures and societal expectations. Generation Z, defined as those born between 1997 and 2012, represents a unique cohort navigating the challenges of modern education and s