يتناول هذه البحث مشكلات تعليم اللغة العربيّة في ضوء تحديات العولمة، حيث يتناول مفهوم العولمة ومراحلها، ونشأتها، وأهدافها، ومطامعها، وكيف الخروج من هذا المأزق. كما يبرز بعض العقبات المهمة في
تعتبر نظرية النظم للإمام عبد القاهر الجرجاني- إمام البلاغة العربيّة ورائدها- من أهم النظريات التي أثّرت في مجال الدراسات التفسيرية واللغوية الحديثة. كما نلحظ آثارها بوضوح في الدراسات البلاغي
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to seek ways to improve energy efficiency in the residential building sector of Nigeria. This is necessary so as to promote a wider scope of energy efficiency practice in order to reduce energy demand on the central power supply of the nation and as well-attain reasonable level of energy security. Design/method
The establishment of Shariah Advisory Council under the aegis of Bank Negara Malaysia in 1997 was the best solution taken by the Government to harmonize the issue of divergence of Shariah opinions among the Shariah committees established by the Islamic banks and takaful operators. Since then, the Shariah Advisory Council has been regulated by sever
Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013 (Akta 759) adalah merupakan Akta terkini yang diluluskan oleh Parlimen Malaysia untuk mengawalselia sektor perniagaan kewangan Islam di Malaysia. Akta ini mula berkuatkuasa pada 30 Jun 2013 dan telah memansuhkan Akta Bank Islam 1983 (Akta 276) dan Akta Takaful 1984 (Akta 312). Akta ini mengandungi peruntukan-pe
Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013 (Akta 759) adalah merupakan Akta terkini yang diluluskan oleh Parlimen Malaysia untuk mengawalselia sektor perniagaan kewangan Islam di Malaysia. Akta ini mula berkuatkuasa pada 30 Jun 2013 dan telah memansuhkan Akta Bank Islam 1983 (Akta 276) dan Akta Takaful 1984 (Akta 312). Akta ini mengandungi peruntukan-pe
Impedance-based structural health monitoring techniques have been developed as a promising tool for real-time structural damage assessment and are considered as a new non-destructive evaluation method. Active elements of the technique are Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensor (PWAS) bonded on the structure. Modelling and simulation of PWAS and host str
Human posture recognition is an attractive and challenging topic in computer vision due to its promising applications in the areas of personal health care, environmental awareness, human- computer-interaction and surveillance systems. Human posture recognition in video sequences consists of two stages: the first stage is training and evaluation and
The single crystal X-ray analysis of 3-amino-1{[bis(benzylsulfanyl)methylidene]amino}urea shows that the compound crystallizes in the triclinic system with the space group P-1 and Z = 4. The asymmetric unit contains two independent molecules of 3-amino-1{[bis(benzylsulfanyl)methylidene]amino}urea. Both bis(benzylsulfanyl)methylidene groups are in a
The main objective for this paper is to obtain a framework to allow adaptable and flexible housing solution for multi-generational living by applying universal design approach to make it more user friendly. Malaysian population shall reach 32 million by 2020, and almost 70 percent will be in urban by 2020, today, 63.8 percent is urbanized. Malaysia