يُعَدُّ التمثيل الدبلوماسي من أشد الروابط التي تربط بين القبائل والدول والشعوب قديما وحديثا. وقد اهتم به فقهاء الإسلام وفقهاء غير المسلمين. ووضعوا له أنظمة وقوانين، ولكل من هؤلاء الفقهاء اتجا
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تناول أساليب ترجمة المتلازمات اللفظية من خلال تحليل مجموعة من المتلازمات اللفظية التي تم اختيارها من رواية رجال في الشمس لغسان كنفاني، ومقارنتها بالترجمة الإنجليزية للك
The inspiration to delve into the contemporary status of Islamic banking and finance in the Philippines has led this study to analyze the financial condition of Amanah Islamic Bank (AIB) and recommend improvements in its financial performance. This secondary databased study utilizes library research and content analysis, particularly using the capi
Purpose Baccaurea angulata (common names: belimbing dayak or belimbing hutan) is a Malaysian underutilized fruit. The preliminary work on B. angulata fruit juice showed that it possesses antioxidant properties. Therefore, further work is needed to confirm the efficacy and proper dosage of B. angulata as a potential natural antioxidant. The present
All cities in the world including Malaysia are experiencing rapid urbanization which has given significant impact on the variability of socio-economy. The present study is conducted to investigate the expansion of urban growth in the state of Selangor by selecting appropriate socio-economic indicators used in urban growth studies. The study partly
Understanding the urban form is crucial in determining the structure of a city in terms of physical and nonphysical aspects. The physical aspects include built-up areas that can be seen on the earth surface, and the nonphysical aspects include the shape, size, density, and configuration of settlements. The objectives of this study are to (i) analys
Parks is an example of open spaces where people can enjoy active and passive activities during free times to runway from the hustle and bustle of the cities. Policies and guidelines have been implemented by the local authorities so that the public parks and open spaces in their area of jurisdiction are convenience to be used as well as to ensure pu
School is a nucleus of the society. School development should be planned based on the sustainable concept. The purpose of this paper is to determining parents’ criteria in selecting the suitable public school for their children. There are various factors underlying in determining the school selection which are location, distance, school facilitie
The pattern of buildings location can reflect the identity of the historical buildings to the social relations. The aim of this research is to elucidate the spatial relationship of the historical Sultanate of Perak physical features with the orientation and distance with the other historical buildings in a discrete spatial scales. The objective of
In 1985 John Hick (1922 –2012) introduced the philosophy of religious pluralism in providing a solution to theological conflict of salvation and the religious conflicting truth claim that in his impression, hampering religious coexistence. Salvation, he criticized, is the root of exclusivism and a transformation from within religion is needed to