This article is a preliminary study on Indonesians’ perceptions on the decline of the Ottoman Caliphate, and the rise of the Turkish Republic based on the highlights in vernacular press printed in Java and Sumatra. By scrutinizing textual discourse on the Caliphate and the Turkish Republic, this paper examined Indonesians’ views delivered in ne
This article discusses the contributions of the Abbasid caliphs to the architectural development of the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah. Those contributions began almost as early as the Abbasid caliphal government had officially emerged as the successor to the Umayyads, and ended with a major rebuilding and renovation work in 887 AH/1482 CE, about 35
The primary purpose of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of rib as a passive control to control the flow development around the circular duct at different levels of expansion using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The nozzle pressure ratio (NPR), rib size, and rib orientation were considered in this research. The L/D ratio is 3 t
Requirement engineering (RE) helps to effectively define users’ needs and produce quality set of requirements. Nonetheless, RE efforts consume a lot of resources due to many contributing and challenging factors. Requirement reuse using pattern can help to reduce the RE resources. This work investigates requirements reuse using pattern by applying
With rising incidents of school violence worldwide, educators and researchers are trying to understand and find ways to enhance the safety of children at school. The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which the demographic variables of gender, age, length of service, position, academic qualification, and school location predicte
This book examines the origins of the concepts of Shi’ism and Sunnism (ahl al-sunnah wa al-jama’ah). It deals with the factors, personnel and circumstances that were most decisive in the creation and evolution of the two poles. The nature and scope of some early institutionalized Sunni-Shi’ah conflicts are also explored. The book is divided i
This article reviews literature on accounting and reporting for waqf, zakat and baitul mal (WZB). Given that WZB are under the purview of the State Islamic Religious Councils (SIRCs), the structure of the administrative machinery of Islamic affairs is discussed and how this gives rise to the unique demarcation in powers and authority on policies pe
Halide Edib Adıvar (1884-1864) adalah seorang novelis, aktivis, dan intelektual yang hidup dalam beberapa dekade terakhir Negara Turki Uthani dan periode awal Republik Turki. Ketenarannya terdengar hingga ke India ketika ia menghadiri serangkaian ceramah pada tahun 1935. Ceramah Adıvar selama kunjungannya ke India pada tahun-tahun awal Republik s