يهدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة ضوابط وآداب السياحة في المفهوم الإسلامي من خلال السنة النبوية المطهّرة محاولاً تطبيقها على الواقع، وذلك أن للسّياحة في صدر الإسلام مقاصد واضحة رغم تعدد مفهومها، مما ي
Arabic grammar learning - which uses textbooks with lengthy details can be translated into creative and innovative forms through the application of technology advancement. Animated infographics is one of the many technological applications aimed to innovate learning information or content into simple, interesting, and easy to understand materials.
This article analyses the roles of ‘ulamā’ in propagating the message of Islam in the Malay world. Islam managed to reach many corners of the Malay world in the 17th century. Evidence has indicated that ‘ulamā’ were among those who had participated actively in propagating the messages of Islam to the local people. Classical Malay texts se
Muslim-Friendly Railway Services (MFRS) is a service that accommodates Muslims’ needs during travel. There are two basic needs of Muslims during travel, which are halal food and place for prayers. Therefore, it is important for MFRS to fulfil these two requirements. Besides halal food, beverage and Muslim prayer facility (musolla), other elements
Percampuran kod merupakan fenomena kebahasaan yang telah melanda negara sejak dahulu lagi. Percampuran kod ini sering berlaku dalam kalangan penutur yang menuturkan lebih daripada satu bahasa ataupun dikenali sebagai masyarakat multilingual. Rakyat Malaysia merupakan rakyat yang mempunyai pelbagai bahasa kerana terdiri daripada berbilang bangsa dan
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate proximate composition of freshwater fish that are commonly consumed by Malaysians namely Clarius batrachus (Keli), Oreochromis niloticus (Tilapia merah), Pangasius hypophthalmus (Patin) and Channa striata (Haruan). Methods: The proximate composition of moisture, protein, fat and ash were measu
As a result of Covid-19 interruption in the education system in all disciplines;; many nursing students have been disconnected from on-campus learning and hands-on practices in the labs and clinical settings and moved to the virtual learning. This webinar synthesizes the information related to the sudden interruption occurred in the nursing
Introduction: Family satisfaction has been identified as a quality indicator in critical care area. The impact of family satisfaction level was also found to be associated with symptoms of psychological distress such as anxiety, depression and stress among family members. We evaluated the satisfaction level and prevalence, risk factor and correlati
UAV Orthophoto of Kg Morten with scale 1:4000UAV & Photo Mosaic by: TRGS/1/2016/UIAM/01/5/1 - Development and Characterization of Principles of Malay Urbanism in Modern Cities - Conflating Model of Urban Spatial Strategies through 3D GIS TRGS/1/2016/UIAM/01/5/2 - Characterization of Rules of Malay Architectural Language and Its Environmental Pe
The Malaysian government has introduced a number of flagship initiatives to leverage on digital economy and tap the economic trade benefits it promises to the country. For digital economy to grow to its utmost potentials, a supportive eco-legal system is warranted, both at domestic level and international level. As at the heart of digital economy i