Closing ceremony of Book Expo and Small and Medium Industries that was held at IIUM, Petaling Jaya.
The photo is significant to capture past events held related to IIUM.
The seminar was officiated by Dato' Abdul Hamid Zainal Abidin, Ketua Pengarah BAHEIS and was organized by IIUM and Pusat Islam with theme 'Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah: cabaran masa kini'.
This photo is significant to capture memorable moments related to IIUM.
The 3 days seminar was held from 24 until 26 August 1996 and the opening ceremony was officiated by YAB Dato' Seri Amar Diraja Tan Sri Hj Wan Mokhtar bin Ahmad, Menteri Besar of Terengganu.
This photo is significant to capture the memorable events related to IIUM.
The signing ceremony took place on 9 March 1996. Datuk Abdul Aziz Deraman, the Director of Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) delivered his speech at the ceremony.
This photo is significant to capture the memorable moments related to IIUM.
Talk by an American Professor of International Affairs and Islamic Studies at Georgetown University at Washington D.C. Event location: Al-Malik Faisal Hall, IIUM Petaling Jaya Campus.
The photo is significant to capture the memories of the talk given by Dr. John L. Esposito.
The award was conferred by Profesor Emeritus Tan Sri Ahmad bin Mohamed Ibrahim.
This picture is significant to capture the memorable moments related to IIUM.
The photos featured the session of the auxiliary police with the Director of Management Services Division (MSD) in the year 1996.
This photo is significant to capture the past events related to IIUM.
The seminar was organized by IIUM and UMMI Foundation and was officiated by Dato' Dr. Abdul Hamid Ahmad AbuSulayman.
This picture is significant to capture the memorable event related to IIUM.
The photos featured the students in the middle of their moving process to Gombak campus.
This picture is significant to capture the past events related to IIUM students and IIUM as a whole.