تمثل المقاصد القرآنية مكوِّناً رئيساً لهذا البحث، حيث ينظر الباحث في حجم التميز الذي قدمه ابن عاشور في تفسيره التحرير والتنوير، والذي جعل من تفسيره قاعدة لإعمال المقاصد في التفسير، وذلك من خل
ملخص البحث يهدف هذا البحث إلى وضع معالم للتفسير المقاصدي باعتباره نوعاً تفسيرياً يبحث في دلالات النص وغاياته وعلله مع الاستفادة من قواعد التفسير الأخرى كاللغة والمأثور والسياق وأسباب النزول
There is controversy over whether traditional intermittent bolus dosing or continuous infusion of beta-lactam antibiotics is preferable in critically ill patients. No significant difference between these two dosing strategies in terms of patient outcomes has been shown yet. This is despite compelling in vitro and in vivo pharmacokinetic/pharmacodyn
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the changes in productivity of zakat institutions in Malaysia from 2003 to 2007. The data consist of a panel of 14 State Islamic Religious Councils (SIRCs) in Malaysia. Efficiency is measured by the Malmquist Index, using a data envelopment analysis (DEA) technique. Design/methodology/approach –
Aims To analyse and describe cases of unexpected ovarian malignancy after conservative laparoscopic surgery for an apparent benign ovarian mass at our centre. Methods This retrospective study was performed by collecting data from records of premenopausal women who underwent conservative laparoscopic surgery for benign ovarian mass at Siriraj Hospit
تـمـثل المقاصد القرآنية الموضوع الرئيس لهذا البحث، ويهدف الباحث إلى دراسة جزئية مهمة في التفسير وهي النظر في مدى تطابق الجانب التنظيري والتطبيقي في تناول المقاصد لدى الإمام القرطبي في تفسيره
This paper deals with the criticism approach of [Quran] interpretation in general, in order to give the reader a general scientific view for the most significant criticism aspects addressed by the commentators in their Tafaseer. The researcher aims at giving a brief overview of the deductive criticism approach in interpretation. The reader is to be
Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the menstrual patterns and the effects of subdermal contraceptive implant, implanon®on breast feeding in post partum women during the first six months of insertion. Materials and methods: A prospective study was conducted over a one year period, from 1st July 2010 untill 30th June 2011 at outpatient
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is a condition characterized by significant decline in cognitive functioning in the absence of dementia. The main symptoms of having MCI are that it affects one’s memory and may result changes in a person’s daily functioning. The aim of this study was to screen for the presence of MCI and depressive symptoms of t
The research discussed the effect of airfoil selection and its characteristic on wind turbine design and performance. It is found that the common aviation airfoil sections are not the proper choice for wind turbine rotors. So new airfoil families have been designed to meet the wind application requirements via a new code developed through the resea