Subject(s): Medical ethics -- Religious aspects Islam | Physicians -- Professional ethics | Medicine -- Religious aspects Islam
,Book - General,Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas Library,General Collection,Open Shelf,BPR230 A75 2021,Cataloguing,11100393877
Subject(s): Muslims -- Conduct of life | Well-being -- Religious aspects Islam | Well-being -- Psychological aspects | Islam way of life
,Book - General,Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas Library,General Collection,Open Shelf,BPA606.3 M842 2021,Cataloguing,11100393958
Subject(s): Hadith -- Texts | Muslims -- Conduct of life | Religious life -- Teachings in the Sunnah | Human capital -- Islamic perspectives
,Book - Reference,Mohd Kamal Hassan Library,Mohd Kamal Hassan Collection,,smkh BP 134 R35 Z94H 2007 v2,Not for loan,11100404352
Subject(s): Tirmidhi, Muhammad ibn 'Isa, d. 892 | Hadith -- Collected works | Hadith -- Texts | Salah
,Book - General,Centre for Foundation Studies Library,General Collection,Open Shelf,BP135A154M2M312B 2008v13,Available,00011074553
Subject(s): Islam -- 20th century | Civilization, Islamic | Islamic countries -- Civilization
,Book - General,Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas Library,General Collection,Open Shelf,DS36.85G437S 2008,Available,00011073853
تهذيب اللغة
Knowledge Resources | Dar Al-hikmah Library | Public Access
Subject(s): Arabic language -- Dictionaries Early works to 1800
,Book - General,Centre for Foundation Studies Library,General Collection,Open Shelf,PJ6620A994T 2004v4,Available,00011007344