تؤثر الأصوات اللغوية في بعضها البعض. وتنجم عن ذلك تحولات أو تغيرات في أحد الأصوات. والتغيرات الصوتية التي تحدث نتيجة لتأثير الأصوات في بعضها وهي؛ المماثلة والمخالفة والقلب المكاني. فعينت مشكل
In 2023, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict witnessed a dramatic escalation in violence, marking one of the most devastating years in recent history. At the heart of this surge in conflict were the actions in the Gaza Strip, where civilians faced attacks of an unprecedented scale. Gunmen led by Hamas, launched an attack in southern Israel. Simultaneo
Introduction: Since its establishment in 2016, SASMEC@IIUM has positioned itself as a leading academic medical centre in Malaysia. The institution integrates the Sejahtera Academic Framework (SAF), which includes KhAIR values (Khalifah, Amanah, Iqra, and Raḥmatan Lil Alamin), into perioperative care. These values are embedded in the perioperative
كتاب "التذكرة بأحوال الموتى وأمور الآخرة" للإمام القرطبي، سبق أن قام الأستاذ الدكتور محمد أبو الليث الخيرآبادي بتحقيقه وتخريج أحاديثه وآثاره والحكم عليها، اشتمل على أحوال الموتى، والقبر:
The issues surrounding the Central Database Hub (Padu), which aims to consolidate socio-economic data, have generated a tidal wave of excitement and apprehension. While the concerns raised by critics deserve consideration, dismissing Padu's potential would be a disservice to our nation. Padu's goal to centralise and integrate data is commen
The motivation of this research work is to provide a sense of embodiment to prosthetic users by supplementing their devices with sensory feedback to the residual upper arm. This sensory feedback replicates the tactile sensory system of glabrous skin that covers palm and flexor surfaces of fingers. In this work, we produced vibration patterns that w
This study aims at investigating the practice of Maqā sid ̣ al-Sharī‘ah based performance measures, determinants of its successful implementation and its impact on Islamic bank performance. Understanding the extent that Islamic banks are institutionalizing Maqā sid ̣ al-Sharī‘ah based performance measures (Maqā sid ̣ PMs) will provid
Nurses are at the heart of healing and medical care, whose duties and responsibilities form an essential element of healthcare. Given the fact that the lives of many patients in hospitals depend on nurses’ moral decency and moral responsibility, certainly moral indecency on the part of nurses impedes, and thus risks the life of millions in hospit
A place-labeled Petri net (pPN) controlled grammar is a context-free grammar equipped with a Petri net and a function which maps places of the net to the productions of the grammar. The language consists of all terminal strings that can be obtained by simultaneously applying of the rules of multisets which are the images of the sets of the input pl
Malay medicine has historically been one of the most prominent fields of study documented by Malay physicians. The Malay medical literature covers the materia medica and treatment recommendations for numerous illnesses. Citrus fruits, also known as limau, are one of the ingredients that are frequently mentioned in the texts. They are grown all over