يحتل الشيخ المحدث عبد الحق الدهلوي-صاحب كتاب "لمعات التنقيح في شرح مشكاة المصابيح"- مكانة خاصة في نشر علم الحديث الشريف وعلومه في التاريخ الديني الإسلامي والعلمي للهند الإسلامية في القرن ا
لقد حاول هذا البحث تسليط الضوء على جانب مهم في غريب الحديث، وتناول بيان موارد العلامة المحدث عبد الحق الدهلوي في تفسير الغريب في كتابه "لمعات التنقيح في شرح مشكاة المصابيح" باستخدام كل من ا
In the brain, propionic acid (PA) can cross cell membranes and accumulate within cells, leading to intracellular acidification, which may alter neurotransmitter release (NT), communication between neurons, and behavior. Such elevation in levels of PA constitutes a neurodevelopmental metabolic disorder called propionic acidemia, which could clinical
Perceptual evaluation of speech signals is a very crucial measure for quality of service in mobile speech communication. Several subjective and objective quality measures are being utilized to evaluate the perceptual quality of speech signals. Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ)has been found to reliably predict the quality of processed
This paper aims to discuss the difficulties of using videoconferencing technology in supervisory practices, from an educational supervisory perspective. Whereas, although video conferencing technology is important; The number of educational supervisors who use it is not commensurate with its value and significance, as studies have reported on this
The present study aimed at clarifying the various shortcomings of the Cohen’s criteria for the interpretation of the values of the practical significance indicators. The hypothetical data were used for two experimental and control groups and calculating the paired-samples t-test. To clarify the inadequacy of Cohen’s criteria in interpreting pra
في هذه الأيام فإن الحاجة إلى توظيف التقنيات الحديثة لتطوير وتحديث التعليم بشكل عام والقرآن الكريم بشكل خاص يعد مطلبًا ضروريًا. إن الخرائط الذهنية هي طريقة تساهم بشكل كبير في التعلم. وإنشاءها ب
أولا: حسي مادي يتم فيه تمكين الإنسان من التصرف في الأرض، وجعلها موطنا له ومستقرا لمعاشه. الثاني: معنوي، يتم فيه تمكين الدين والأمن للإنسان، وهذا مستوى من التمكين يحوز بموجبه الإنسان على أهم الأ
Citizenship is considered as one of the most complicated sociological and political concepts, despite its importance in understanding many phenomena and political, social and cultural problems of any nation. The importance of the concept of citizenship lies in the following aspects: its connection to the relationship between the individual and the
Breast cancer plays a significant role in affecting female mortality. Researchers are actively seeking to develop early detection methods of breast cancer. Several technologies contributed to the reduction in mortality rate from this disease, but early detection contributes most to preventing disease spread, breast amputation and death. Thermograph