الخوارج هي أول فرقة ظهرت في التاريخ الإسلامي، وقد حذر منها النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، ولها أفكار ومعتقدات بعيدة عن الهدي النبوي، فهي تقوم على: تكفير المسلمين، والخروج عن طاعة ولي الأمر، واستباح
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقويم دور بورصة سوق السلع الماليزية في إصلاح العمليات المالية القائمة على التورق المصرفي المنظم؛ وذلك من خلال بيان نبذة مختصرة عن التورق الفردي والتورق المصرفي المنظم وآ
Pakistan is a developing country. The population of Pakistan is increasing day by day and due to increase in population the demand of electrical energy is also rising. Currently, Pakistan has a power generation gap of average 4500 to 5500 megawatt hour (MWh) [1]. The Renewable energy plays a vital role in such energy crisis by generating alternativ
Japanese occupation of Malaya is considered to be a departure point in Malaysian history which marked a shift of colonial rule from British to Japanese. In the context of Malaya, following the successful Japanese subjugation of the land in February 1942, the High Command in Tokyo had issued a number of directives to be implemented in the occupied a
Malaysia is one of the biggest producers of natural rubber. The fresh latex, tapped from the rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis), known as field latex, is a cloudy white and viscous liquid containing rubber fraction and non-rubber components. As a basic raw material in rubber processing, fresh field latex undergoes a series of procedures during its co
In this research, seven coagulants were prepared from Moringa oleifera (MO) seeds and tested on kaolin suspension (5% w/v) as a synthetic sludge (SSL) model. The first form was crude MO seeds powder without any treatment, while the second was defatted MO seeds powder. The third form was prepared by mixing the defatted seeds powder with distilled wa
The year 1786 marked the beginning of the British official administration in Malaya through the effective manoeuvre of the East India Company (E.I.C.), particularly in Francis Light’s view of the island’s geographically and economically strategic positions to the British Empire. As the British started to step into the island, they brought in va
Euthynnusaffinis is one of tuna species that distributed throughout the world. Their visceral accounts for approximate less than 20% of body weight and its value are still underutilized. This study screened four the potential individual visceral organ to produce protease and lipase enzyme viz. spleen, stomach, pancreas, and liver. Among the individ
Introduction: A large number of Muslims fast during the holy month of Ramadan worldwide. A specific approach is needed to manage diabetic patients who intend to fast during Ramadan because of potential harm. Thus, the study aimed to describe the sociodemography and the characteristic of fasting diabetic patients admitted due to acute diabetic compl
The state of the economy in Malaysia becomes the worrying issue nowadays. From January to September 2015 more than 20,000 employees lost their jobs and the retrenchment trend continues in 2017. This unemployment situation gravely affects a person’s source of income particularly when he is the sole breadwinner of the family. This unemployment issu