قيل إنَّ النُّفوس تأنس بثُبوت الحُكم لعلَّةٍ، فلا ينبغي أن يزول ذلك الأُنس، وذا ما تشترك فيه العلوم كلُّها، فلا يختصُّ به بعضُها من دون بَعْضٍ، والعلل أربع: مادِّيَّة، وصوريَّة، وفاعليَّة، وغ
أصبحت قضية تعددية ترجمة النص الأدبي الواحد إلى اللغة العربية ظاهرة ملفتة للانتباه. وتتلخص هذه الظاهرة في وجود عدد من الترجمات لنص أدبي واحد تظهر من وقت لآخر في العالم العربي الذي يجمع اثنين وع
يشيع أن النحويين عارضوا القراءاتِ القرآنيةَ في أثناء استقرائهم مصادرَ احتجاجهم النحوي، وأنهم أخضعوها لآرائهم قبولاً ورفضًا وتوجيهًا بما يتَّفق وأقيستَهم في كلام العرب، ومن خلال منهج وصفي اس
Tooth agenenesis is reduction of tooth number caused by congenitally failure of tooth development causing hypodontia and oligodontia. The prevalence, pattern and distribution are varies by populations. The aim of this study was to identify the pattern and distribution of tooth agenesis in permanent dentition among Malaysian population. Patients wer
Prosocial work behaviors in a globalized environment do not operate in a cultural vacuum. We assess to what extent voice and helping organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) vary across cultures, depending on employees’ perceived level of organizational formalization and national uncertainty. We predict that in contexts of uncertainty, cognitiv
This study attempts to use theories from social psychology to build a narrative that allows to better understand the Qur’an, the life of the Prophet, and the highlights of the Abbasid caliphate. Specifically, Zimbardo contrasts the dispositional view and the situational view. The situational view is created in turn by the System – the instituti
This study concerns Islamic management. Scholars agree that Surah al-Fatihah provides a summary of the entire Qur’an. In particular, Surah al-Fatihah identifies three kinds of people: people who have knowledge and apply it, people who have knowledge but do not apply it, and people who have no knowledge. However, other surahs provide further insig
This article reports the active control of base flows using the experimental procedure. Active control of base pressure helps in reducing the base drag in aerodynamic devices having suddenly expanded flows. Active control in the form of microjets having 0.5 mm radius placed at forty-five degrees apart is employed to control the base pressure. The M
Objective: Behavioural modification required transition process to occur. There is limited data discussed on self-transition process to occur. Thus, this paper is aimed to examine self-transition concept for better understanding in managing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus client. Methods: A Walker & Avant guideline was employed during concept analysis
Background: Anisophyllea disticha is belonging to the species of genus Anisophyllea, is not pharmacologically investigated despite its high utilization by the folklore in treating diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice, revitalizing the birth canal of women, relieving weariness and body aches. Objective: To optimize the total phenolic content (TPC) and anti