تطرق هذا البحث لمعنى التبني في القانون الإندونيسي من حيث هل نظام التبني في القانون الإندونيسي هو عينه التبني المحرم في الشريعة الإسلامية أو هو مجرد النظام لأجل مساعدة الطفل حال عدم وجود الوسا
Introduction: Little is known whether the duration of opioid use influences the concentrations of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Objectives: This study examined the plasma concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokine, interleukin 6 (IL-6), and anti-inflammatory cytokine, interleukin 10 (IL-10), in short-, and long-term opioid users with noncan
Social development is essential to sustain a balanced, just, and prosperous society. It needs input from the society to sustain social development. The public and private sectors are not adequate to sustain social development. The social costs left by the private sectors are unbearable in terms of pollution, social injustice, and unemployment. Ther
Taqwa (piety) approach in sustaining Islamic philanthropy for social businesses is essential. Social businesses are getting important role in the development of a balanced, just and prosperous society. Social businesses are established to address social objectives using business model. The input for the social businesses is unlike the convention fo
The environmental fate of rare earth elements (REEs) in the Malaysian environment is limitedly known; however, industrial emission is increasing. This study focused on the REE assessment of the surface sediments obtained from rocky shore ecosystems along the Peninsular Malaysia coastal waters, on deliberating interspatial variability, and on descri
Strategic planning process is paper-based with conceptual and intellectual approach. The use of mind is inclined towards ulū al-albāb approach. This study argued that ulū al-albāb approach is powerful to provide precise, rigorous and vigorous human-mind way. This human-minded way allows for human to express humane factor. Every economic, social
This study postulates that strategic planning process is humanisable through ulū al-albāb approach for sustainable performance and development in all sectors of life. In business sector, strategic planning is very important and it deploys talents and potentials for profitability maximisation in the trade-off of sustainability development. There a
Zakat is religious duty for Muslims. Muslim-owned companies also paid zakat. With religious duty in mind, there is no expectation of worldly rewards. When companies are constantly paid zakat, there is good effect to the companies’ performance and competitive advantages. This study postulated that zakat enables companies to gain sejahtera strategi
Tawhidic paradigm approach to qualitative research in management offers the worldview from the revelation that contains Divine Commandments. Qualitative research in management uses cross disciplinary studies to contribute to the body of knowledge in management. There have been realism, constructionism and pragmatism paradigms used in the research o
A Tawhidic paradigm approach to encourage responsible consumption is essential. The world is now encouraging the consumers for responsible consumptions. The action to be responsible is now. No more delay by giving excuses. The encouragement is already due, but it is not too late to get support from all stakeholders. The encouragement needs a unity.