استهدفت هذه الدراسة المقارنة بين صورة المرأة في حياتها الأسرية بوصفها أمًّا، وزوجةً، وأختًا في الحكايتين الشعبيتين؛ العربيّة، والملايويّة؛ استفادًا على عشرين حكايةٍ مختارةٍ من كتابين شهيري
Translation is a tool of knowledge transferring an original language to another language. In other words, it is the process of converting the written word from one language into another language in a way that is culturally and linguistically appropriate so it can be understood. There are, however, challenges in translation which include knowing abo
Syariah courts in Malaysia have the jurisdiction to impose punishments up to 3 years imprisonment, 6 strokes and RM5000 fi ne or combination of any two or three of the punishments (Criminal Jurisdictions) Act (Amendment 1984). Referring to Syariah Criminal Offences Act, Syariah Court Judge has the discretion to impose punishment for fi rst offender
Terdapat pertikaian di kalangan ahli akademik tentang kejadiaan Nabi Adam as. Pendapat yang percaya bahawa Nabi Adam as berevolusi dari makhluk yang sebelumya telah terpengaruh dengan teori evolusi Charles Darwin di dalam buku beliau yang bertajuk ‘The Origin of Species’ terbitan tahun 1859. Semenjak dari itu golongan yang percaya pada teori in
Masih tiada maklumat Alam Melayu Kuno yang dibukukan. Manuskrip tentang Alam Melayu yang ada hanyalah bertarikh 1500 Masihi atau hanya bermula kurun yang ke 14th Masihi. Justeru di mana manuskrip, batu bersurat atau maklumat sebelum itu? Maklumat Alam Melayu yang digembar-gemburkan hanyalah bertarikh 600 Masihi atau hanya di kurun 7th Masihi sahaja
Le terrorisme a coûté la vie à un grand nombre d’innocents dans le monde et est devenu un défi majeur pour toutes les nations et tous les peuples, en particulier après avoir usé des médias sociaux en guise d’outil efficace pour diffuser et propager son idéologie, impactant gravement les internautes mineurs. Les études ont prouvé le re
Terrorism has claimed the lives of many innocent people all over the world. It poses a significant challenge to nations and people, particularly now that social media have become an effective tool for terrorists to spread their ideologies. Young social media users are especially vulnerable to terrorist propaganda. Studies have shown that social med
Dalam tradisi keilmuan ulama silam khususnya ahli hadis atau muhaddisin, mereka mempunyai pandangan yang berbeza apabila berinteraksi dengan ayat-ayat atau hadis-hadis berbentuk mutasyabihat. Sebahagian daripada mereka mengambil jalan mentafwidkannya dan sebahagian yang lain pula mentakwilkannya. Namun mereka semua sepakat untuk menyucikan Allah da
The complex fluid-dynamic instabilities and shock waves occurring along the surface of a two-dimensional wedge at high values of the Mach number are studied here through the numerical solutions of the governing equations. Moreover, a regression model is implemented to determine the pressure distribution for various Mach numbers and angles of incide
This study talks about Al-Tahir Ahmed Makki's views on the concept of the Arabic short story from its characteristics and elements, as the modern Arab short story at its beginning was derived from the Western short story, through which the research seeks to see the congruence of the story's views of Al-Tahir Ahmed Makki in some of the short