سَعَى هذا البحث من خلال المنهج الوصفيّ إلى دراسة ظاهرة المطابقة في السِّياق القرآني متَّخذاً من صيغ جمع التَّكسير الواردة في الذِّكر الحكيم نموذجاً. وقد بيَّن البحث ما ينشأ من علاقات بين العن
Kamus Kontekstual Lengkap al-Khalil edisi semakan kemaskini ini adalah hasil satu semakan, penelitian dan penyelidikan semula yang memakan masa bertahun-tahun. Ia berjaya menghimpunkan lebih kurang 100,000 entri dan sub entri termasuk 12,000 entri kata dasar Mujarrad yang lengkap dengan tasrif, entri kata Mazid berimbuhan penting yang lengkap denga
Nowadays, palm oil mill effluent (POME) is the main water stream pollutant in Malaysia. This paper reviews the development in the methods of bioethanol production from POME by acid-base-enzyme pretreatment and hydrolysis processes. The methods currently used to treat POME are inefficient in terms of either cost or environmental preservation. Severa
يسعى هذا البحث لمدارسة جانب من جوانب اسم المصدر، وهو مصطلح مشهور بين اللغويين، غير إنهم اختلفوا في أول من أطلقه، وزعم أغلبهم أن سيبويه هو صاحب هذا المصطلح، وتبِع هذا الأمر دراسة ما نصّ عليه الخ
The right to freedom of information is no longer new. As early as 1960s, countries around the world have started to recognise people’s right to know information that governments withhold. Under this pretext, the public has the right to know information they ought to know because they directly affect their lives. However, it is also recognised tha
The ecological environment is the basic natural condition related to human survival and development. Protecting and improving the ecological environment is the basis for ensuring social and economic sustainable development and a virtuous cycle of water resources, especially coal mining areas. This paper hopes to understand and master all kinds of c
Breastfeeding truly gives an enormous effect towards the health of a mother and child. Breast milk contains nutrients which are highly beneficial for an infant’s health and growth. Among other benefits for a baby is it helps to develop the baby’s intelligence, it is very clean and it can save a baby from various diseases. There are lots of expl
Breastfeeding truly gives an enormous effect towards the health of a mother and child. Breast milk contains nutrients which are highly beneficial for an infant’s health and growth. Among other benefits for a baby is it helps to develop the baby’s intelligence, it is very clean and it can save a baby from various diseases. There are lots of expl
The fragmentation of jets containing a J/ψ meson is studied in √s = 5.02 TeV pp data using an integrated luminosity of L = 27.39 pb−1. The fraction of the jet transverse momentum pT,jet carried by the J/ψ is measured for prompt J/ψ and J/ψ coming from b hadron decays, named nonprompt. Whereas the fragmentation function of nonprompt J/ψ is
In this Islamic terminology apps, we place three languages side by side according to the specialformulas used without returning to the roots of words and terminology; This apps appeared in the form of an academic research project that the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) has sponsored financially. This is a project whose acade