Summary: Terrorism has become rampant since the 9/11 incident. In any warfare, be it military or terrorist warfare, it is about the execution of effective strategies. The opponent has to outsmart its attackers via counter combative or counter strategies. Hence this study is timely to find out what strategies Terrorist groups adopt and should b
Summary: Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) promotes that physical environment can be used to produce behavioral effects that will reduce the incidence and fear of crime, thus improving quality of life. This approach is important to manifest Safe City Programme especially in Malaysia. Putrajaya as administration centre allow
Summary: The internet is a not a no-man`s land. It is a false perception that was planted in our mind during the beginning of the internet era. The world of anonymity is slowly receding with more and more countries realize the power of the internet being used in its communities and its impact. Few countries have gone to the extremes, in regula
Summary: As Malaysia is developing to become a developed country, its defense system also grows rapidly with increase of personnel and sophisticated equipment and modern weaponry. The effectiveness of the control and protection of all these equipment and weaponry and its installations depends entirely on the level of understanding of the princ
Summary: Access control is a security function with the ability to authenticate an individual and grant or deny access to an individual into a designated area for security reasons. This goal can be achieved more effectively with the use of biometric devices. Biometric access control devices authenticate an individual by its unique physical or
Summary: Building automation systems (BAS) are an important part of modern automated buildings. This system ensures the operational performance of the facility as well as functions affecting occupant’s safety, security and health. Contemporary industrial control systems no longer operate in isolation, but use other networks (e.g., corporate