Summary: Nowadays, in many modern societies, the industry of E-commerce (EC) is becoming more popular and creates tremendous business opportunities for many firms and people. This huge development in EC happened due to the fact that people in these modern societies are gradually tending to prefer online shopping that results in saving their ti
Summary: Information security awareness (ISA) simply implies a focus on security to protect information. When implemented in an educational setting, such as the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), its purpose is then to educate the university community about the potential risks that could arise if lack of attention towards ISA is
Subject(s): Information literacy -- Study and teaching (Higher) | Academic libraries -- Relations with faculty and curriculum | Electronic information resource literacy -- Study and teaching (Higher)
,,Hamzah Fansuri Resource Centre, KICT,,General Stacks,ZA3075 REL 2005,Available,
Subject(s): Technical services (Libraries) -- United States
,,Hamzah Fansuri Resource Centre, KICT,,General Stacks,Z688.6.U6 EVA 2002,Available,