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Result(s) found: 477488
Holdings: ,Book - Reference,Gombak Campus Library,Dzulkifli Abdul Razak Collection,Rector's Collection Shelf,sdr BQ 7935 B916A 2017,Not for loan,11100404968
Holdings: ,Book - Reference,Gombak Campus Library,Mohd Kamal Hassan Collection,,smkh,Not for loan,11100405216
Subject(s): Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. Faculty of Dentistry -- Curricula | Education, Islamic -- Curriculum planning Holdings: ,Book - Reference,Gombak Campus Library,Dzulkifli Abdul Razak Collection,Rector's Collection Shelf,sdr BPL 65 M453 W36 2015,Not for loan,11100408383
Subject(s): Qurʼan -- Quotations | Islam -- Essence, genius, nature Holdings: ,Book - Reference,Gombak Campus Library,Mohd Kamal Hassan Collection,,smkh,Not for loan,11100403650
Holdings: ,Book - Reference,Gombak Campus Library,Zaleha Kamaruddin Collection,Rector's Collection Shelf,szk BPH 92.2 A96 2014,Not for loan,11100410133
Subject(s): Leadership | Management Holdings: ,Book - Reference,Gombak Campus Library,Dzulkifli Abdul Razak Collection,Rector's Collection Shelf,sdr HD 57.7 D139E8 2016,Not for loan,11100408386
Subject(s): Geopolitics Holdings: ,Book - Reference,Gombak Campus Library,Dzulkifli Abdul Razak Collection,Rector's Collection Shelf,sdr JC 319 C548H8 2016,Not for loan,11100408385
Subject(s): Dhikr and du'a' Holdings: ,Book - Reference,Gombak Campus Library,Mohd Kamal Hassan Collection,,smkh BPA 552.45 M87 2008,Not for loan,11100404118
Holdings: ,Book - Reference,Gombak Campus Library,Dzulkifli Abdul Razak Collection,Rector's Collection Shelf,sdr BPG 140 K43165 1997,Not for loan,11100408384
Holdings: ,Book - Reference,Gombak Campus Library,Mohd Kamal Hassan Collection,,smkh,Not for loan,11100403617