Subject(s): Neurolinguistics | Consciousness -- Physiological aspects | Neurophysiology
Subject: "Everyone has a brain, but how much do we really know about how it work? In this telecourse on the structur e and fu nction of the human brain, viewers learn and understand how people learn and understand as well as how they see, pay attention,
Subject(s): Dreams | Nightmares
Subject: "Even in today's world of science and certainties, mysteries remain ... and men and women are fascinated by them. The need to understand has compelled us to probe both outer and inner space in search of knowledge; but new answers seem always to lead to new questions."--Container.
Subject(s): Sufism -- Early works to 1800 | Quotations, Arabic -- Early works to 1800 | Quotations, Arabic
,Manuscript in Microfilm,Gombak Campus Library,,,msf Ritter 11 15:200- 221,Not for loan,00000998886
Subject(s): Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Secondary)
,CD-ROM stand alone,Gombak Campus Library,Non Book Collection,Multimedia Shelf,cdf QA11L641B 1997-2006,Available,11100384757