Subject(s): Qur'an -- Commentaries Early works to 1800
,Manuscript in Microfiche,Gombak Campus Library,Non Book Collection,Multimedia Shelf,msh BLIB 4428,Not for loan,00000701365
Muadzam Shah
Knowledge Resources | Dar Al-hikmah Library | Public Access
Subject(s): Military and science -- Early works to 1800 | France. Armee -- Drills and tactics
Contents:Manual of military instruction, with a parallel French version entitled Ecole de Bataillon, first volume (in 5 parts). -- Description of manuscript: ff. 197; page area: 20 x 15 cm.; written area: 15.5 x 11 cm.; 8-14 lines. -- Type of pape
Subject(s): Arabic poetry -- 750-1258
Contents:Poetical anthology, entitled in the colophon Tabaqat al-shu'ara' al-muhdathin. -- Description of manuscript: ff. (4) 101 (pp.210); page area: 33.5 x 20 cm.; written area: 21 x 9.5 cm.; 31 lines. -- Type of paper: wove glossy. -- Hand: elegant small naskhi. -- Ink: black and red. -- Dec
Subject(s): Hadith -- Collected works | Hadith -- Early works to 1800
,Manuscript in Microfiche,Gombak Campus Library,Non Book Collection,Multimedia Shelf,msh BLIB 7813,Not for loan,00000700872/2
Subject(s): Hadith -- Collected works | Hadith -- Early works to 1800
,Manuscript in Microfiche,Gombak Campus Library,Non Book Collection,Multimedia Shelf,msh BLIB 40189,Not for loan,00000701726
Knowledge Resources | Dar Al-hikmah Library | Public Access
Subject(s): Qur'an -- Commentaries Early works to 1800 | Sufism -- Early works to 1800
,Manuscript in Microfiche,Gombak Campus Library,Non Book Collection,Multimedia Shelf,msh BLIB 2251,Not for loan,00000701342