Subject(s): Qur'an -- Commentaries Early works to 1800
,Manuscript in Microfiche,Gombak Campus Library,Non Book Collection,Multimedia Shelf,msh BLIB 39803,Not for loan,00000700354
Subject(s): World history -- Early works to 1800 | Geography, Arab -- Early works to 1800
Contents:Cosmographical work, divided into four parts (maqalah), followed by (fol. 163b-201b) a collection of tales, anecdotes, and narratives from various sources, beginning with 1. (fol.163b-165b) Muntakhab min 'Uyun al-Tawarikh of Ibn al-Jawzi,
Subject(s): Christian literature, Arabic -- Liturgy Texts -- Early works to 1800
Contents:Triodion, i.e. lenten office book, followed by (fol. 155a-191b) al-Thaluthiyat wa-al-futaghujika i.e. Triadika and Photagogika. -- Description of manuscript: ff. 191; page area: 31.5 x 21.5 cm.; written area: 22 x 13 cm.; 21 lines. -- Type of paper: l
Subject(s): Yemen -- History Early works to 1800 | Arabia, Southern -- History
Contents:History of pagan Arabia. -- Description of manuscript: fol. 1b-111b; page area: 27 x 19.5 cm.; written area: 22 x 15 cm.; 27 lines. -- Type of paper: laid. -- Hand: clear naskhi. -- Ink: black and red. -- Decorations: double line border in red, text rub
Subject(s): Hadith -- Early works to 1800 -- Texts
Contents:Collection of traditions (Kitab al-Buyu' - Kitab al-Nikah). -- Description of manuscript: ff.342; page area: 30.5 x 21 cm.; written area: 24 x 14 cm.; 35 lines. -- Type of paper: laid glossy. -- Hand: cursive naskhi. -- Ink: black and red. -- Decorations: unknown. -- Binding:
Subject(s): Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration Standards Handbooks, manuals, etc. -- United States | Landscape protection -- Standards Handbooks, manuals, etc. -- United States
,Official Publication,Gombak Campus Library,Foreign Govt. Pub. Collection,,gf SB472.8U55S446B 1996,Available,00000628472
Subject(s): Qur'an -- Language, style -- Early works to 1800 | Qur'an -- Early works to 1800 -- Readings | Qur'an -- Commentaries Early works to 1800 | Qur'an -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc | Qur'an as literature
,Manuscript in Microfiche,Gombak Campus Library,Non Book Collection,Multimedia Shelf,ms
Subject(s): Qur'an -- Language, style -- Early works to 1800 | Qur'an -- Early works to 1800 -- Readings | Qur'an -- Commentaries Early works to 1800 | Qur'an as literature
,Manuscript in Microfiche,Gombak Campus Library,Non Book Collection,Multimedia Shelf,msh BLIB 4849,Not for loan,00000691541/1
Subject(s): Qur'an -- Language, style -- Early works to 1800 | Qur'an -- Early works to 1800 -- Readings | Qur'an -- Commentaries Early works to 1800 | Qur'an as literature
,Manuscript in Microfiche,Gombak Campus Library,Non Book Collection,Multimedia Shelf,msh BLIB 4849,Not for loan,00000691541
Annual Report.
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