Subject(s): Avicenna, 980-1037. Qanun | Medicine, Islamic
Contents:Commentary on the Kulliyat of al-qanun fi al-tibb, fragment (as far as the first fasl of the fifth ta'lim). -- Description of manuscript: fol. 93b-336a; page area: 31 x 21.5 cm.; written area: 24 x 13 cm.; 27 lines. -- Type of paper: oriental. -- Hand: clear naskhi. --
Subject(s): Qur'an -- Early works to 1800 -- Readings | Qur'an -- Study and teaching Early works to 1800
Contents:Treatise on the merits attached to the recitation of the Qur'an and its study. -- Description of manuscript: fol. 1b-41a; page area: 21.5 x 15.5 cm.; written area: 14.5 x 9 cm.; 23 lines. -- Type of paper: laid glos
Knowledge Resources | Dar Al-hikmah Library | Public Access
Subject(s): Open University Malaysia -- Periodicals | Education, Higher -- Periodicals -- Malaysia | Universities and colleges -- Periodicals -- Malaysia
,Official Publication,Gombak Campus Library,Universities & Colleges Publications Collection,,gu my OUM 19 P7 2002-2003,Available,00000699204
Subject(s): Qur'an -- Commentaries Early works to 1800
,Manuscript in Microfiche,Gombak Campus Library,Non Book Collection,Multimedia Shelf,msh BLIB 2367,Not for loan,00000693379
Subject(s): Qur'an -- Commentaries Early works to 1800
,Manuscript in Microfiche,Gombak Campus Library,Non Book Collection,Multimedia Shelf,msh BLIB 2727,Not for loan,00000703486