Subject(s): Diet -- History -- Islamic empire | Diet -- Early works to 1800 | Diet therapy -- Early works to 1800 | Medicine, Islamic
Contents:A treatise on the preparation and use of perfumes, electuaries, spices, dyes, etc. for the purpose of remedy and beautification, bound with the volume are two photographs of the Aleppo manuscript. -
Subject(s): Islamic law -- Early works to 1800 | Hanabilah -- Early works to 1800
Contents:Abridgement of Ibn Qudamah's (Abd Allah ibn Ahmad, d. 620/1223) al-Muqni' (compendium of Hanbali law), otherwise known as al-Iqna' li-talib al-intifa', followed by 6 panegyrics upon Dalil al-talib d.961/1554 (fol. 1a). -- Description
،كتاب في الفقه
Knowledge Resources | Dar Al-hikmah Library | Public Access
Subject(s): Islamic law -- Introductions | Hanafiyah
Contents:Anonymous commentary on a Hanafi book of law (as far as Kitab al-nikah). -- Description of manuscript: ff. 99; page area: 29.5 x 16 cm; written area: 20 x 9.5 cm; 19 lines. -- Type of paper: oriental brown. -- Hand: naskhi / nasta'liq. -- Ink: black and red. -- Decorations:
Subject(s): Pentagram Design | Commercial art -- England | Commercial art -- United States | Graphic arts -- England | Graphic arts -- United States
,Book - Pictorial,Gombak Campus Library,,,pic NC997A3P419G 1998,Available,00000679325
Subject(s): Hadith -- Collected works | Hadith -- Early works to 1800
,Manuscript in Microfiche,Gombak Campus Library,Non Book Collection,Multimedia Shelf,msh BLIB 7099,Not for loan,00000704928
Subject(s): Hadith -- Collected works | Hadith -- Early works to 1800
,Manuscript in Microfiche,Gombak Campus Library,Non Book Collection,Multimedia Shelf,msh BLIB 42889,Not for loan,00000700988
Subject(s): Qur'an -- Commentaries Early works to 1800
,Manuscript in Microfiche,Gombak Campus Library,Non Book Collection,Multimedia Shelf,msh BLIB 3384,Not for loan,00000702108